St Petersburg

Russia 2012
P001 The church
P002 ... a compact five-domed structure, with three semicircular apses at the east end and a massive pillar-like bell tower at the west end... the five central domes...
P003 ... the octagonal tent-roofed tower takes up the central position... this element has a close affinity with a series of monumental memorial churches dating from...
P004 ... the Church, of red and brown brick, the entire surface of its walls is covered with elaborate detailed ornaments... bands and crosses of coloured brick,...
P005 ... “shirinka”, glazed tiles on the tent-roofed towers and apse roofing, small open-work arches, miniature columns and kokoshniki (corbel arches) of white...
P006 ... the mosaics play a significant role in creating the church’s festive appearance accentuating the major architectural elements – kokoshniki, caissons, and...
P007 The Resurrection of Christ Church, built 1883-1907, erected along the embankment of the Griboedov Canal, where Emperor/Tsar Alexander II was assassinated by...
P008 ... Alexander II the Liberator was one of the most prominent statesmen of his time; whose social, military and economic reforms turned Russia into a truly great...
P009 ... marvelous Russian-style church built under Alexander III as a memorial to his father Alexander II, construction almost entirely funded by the Imperial...
P010 ... the memorial character of the Church is emphasized by 20 granite plaques in the wall base, describing Alexander II’s deeds as the tsar liberator and...
P011 ... and by the enormous mosaic depiction of the Crucifixion, placed under the gilded awning on the western facade of the bell tower...
P012 ... the Crucifixion serves as another reminder of the assassination site contained under the church vaults... also establishing a link between the anguishes of...
P013 ... details of the richly decorated facade and onion domes...
P014 ... center-dome copper-plated and enameled in different colors...
P015 ... unique enamel domes, a spectacular architectural landmark of St Petersburg...
P016 ... decorative elements on the dome drums, frames, kokoshniki, and arched bands made of Estland (Estonian) marble...
P017 ... grey granite slabs alternate with dark red slabs of Norwegian granite set in recesses... all bearing inscriptions in gilt lettering serving as reminder of...
P018 ... Stonework plays an important part in creating the stately and festive appearance of the church... canopy that marks the assassination site of the Emperor...
P019 ... interior and exterior of the church decorated with incredibly detailed mosaics, designed and created by the most prominent Russian artists
P020 ... lower tier of the bell tower is embellished with 134 mosaic coat-of-arms of Russian provinces and towns that made donations for the church construction......